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How to launch an application with its UID


We can launch any application installed on a device with it's UID rather using the name of the application .

  • By this way we can prevent the name clashes.
  • No need for searching for the full path of the application.

In mmp file:

LIBRARY        apgrfx.lib // for RApaLsSession
LIBRARY        apparc.lib // for CApaCommandLine, TApaAppInfo

Source code

// System Includes
#include <apgcli.h> // for RApaLsSession
#include <apacmdln.h> // for CApaCommandLine
// ...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyUtility::LaunchAppL(const TUid aAppUid)
// Find the application with it's UID and if exists then launch the 
// application to the foreground.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyUtility::LaunchAppL(const TUid aAppUid) const
    RApaLsSession apaLsSession;
    TApaAppInfo appInfo;
    TInt retVal = apaLsSession.GetAppInfo(appInfo, aAppUid);
    if(retVal == KErrNone)
        CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
        User::LeaveIfError( apaLsSession.StartApp(*cmdLine) );
        // The application not found!
1 楼 zhiqi0158 2009-09-11  
如果我想找application uid呢,在哪里可以查到?


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